Thursday, October 22, 2009

The New Artillery.

Many years ago, A fort was build for Raja Himmat Singh, Himmat Singh was very Honest and Brave person, He loves truth and honesty., All peoples and citizens loves a lot, One day he recruit a Artillery for his Mortal, The New artillery was very intelligent and honest, One day the king says to Artillery that you're so young and powerful you can destroy the whole city with your unique experience of mortal can you do a work for e, he says Yes, Why Not ?. Its my its my pleasure to do your work,King told him about his Old Fort who was captured by neighbor king. After that King says " Can you release my Fort from the neighbor emperor", He says Sure maharaj, I can do this now its my mission give me permission to start a war against them, King said "No, First try to this without War because War makes Violence. He Says Ok maharaj I will try this.

Next day :-
The New Artillery arrived there and Request the Emperor for free Raja Himmat Singh's Fort, but emperor refused his request and challenge him for a to playa game of Chess with Emperor, If he won so i will release his fort. Artillery accept his challenge without having permission by King. Then emperor said The match will be organize after tomorrow after sunset.

When Artillery arrived back to Raja Himmat Singh's Fort,

Raja - How dare you to accept his Challenge to play a game of Chess without having my Permission.
Artillery - I am Sorry Maharaj. But Dont be angry because i know he cant be winner of this match.
Raja - How to you know that?
Artillery - Because i saw a Match of him and he isn't a good player..
रजा :- क्या तुम्हे पूरा यकीन है।
तोप चलाने वाला - हाँ महाराज।
राजा - ठीक है हम तुम्हारी बात मान लेते हैं।

अगले दिन

रजा खूब जोश और उत्सः के साथ उस राजा के पास पहुँचते हैं, उस समय रजा खेल की तैय्यारी कर रहा होता है। वो राजा हिम्मत सिंह को आते देख हसने लगता है और उनके पास जाकर कहता है की आओ हिम्मत सिंह आओ चलो आज हम भी देखें की तुम कितने दिमागदार हो। राजा हिम्मत सिंह - मेरे साथ मेरा पूरा गाँव आया है उनकी दुआएं मेरे साथ हैं। तुम अपनी फ़िक्र करो।

खेल शुरू हो जाता है
राजा हिम्मत सिंह को सतरंज खेलना नही अत था इसीलिए वो खेल में हार का सामना करते हैं। हारने के बाद हिम्मत सिंह दुखी हो जाते हैं पर वो तोप चालकखुश हो जाता है वो कहता है की महारज आप ये खेल जीत गए हैं, क्योंकि खेल कोई हरा ही NAHI

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